
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Timbul kembali

Lama betul tak blog.

Kat company sekarang ni, agak strict sikit. Byk gak web site yg kena block. Tapi, itu bukan alasan tak blog. Lebih tepat, malas...

Hari ini, ambil cuti utk service kereta. Ada la masa utk blog sikit...


Grails 1.1.1 dah keluar. Kami mula2 cuba nak migrate ke grails 1.1, tapi ada masalah besar di mana relationship antara objects yg diload. Habis application2 yg sedia ada. Grails ver baru ni dah selesaikan masalah tu. Farid dlm proses utk migrate code base ke 1.1.1.

Satu lagi keperluan utk migrate ialah Lucene plugin utk 1.1.1 membenarkan search dilakukan dgn menggabungkan sekali attribute tertentu spt project='public news'. Ini penting utk design kami yg berkonsepkan 'project'.

Design berkonsepkan 'project'

Design ni adalah design mudah utk melakukan reuse. Reuse ada byk tahap. Reuse pada tahap class dan module masa code. Reuse pada tahap class, module dan mungkin system masa design time spt code generator dan plugin spt kebanyakan plugin grails. Reuse pada tahap module dan system masa run time spt SOA.

Design berkonsepkan 'project' ini adalah reuse tahap run time.

Cthnya, kami tgh hasilkan satu system Event yg mudah. Keperluan company ialah, kami perlu ada pelbagai event owner spt Dept Communication nak satu event channel utk public, satu event channel utk staff syarikat dan satu event channel utk dept shj. Dept HR pula nak satu event channel utk staff syarikat, satu event channel utk dept dan sejumlah event channel utk project2 HR Blueprint yg melibatkan dept HR dan sejumlah staff dari dept2 lain.

Kesan design ini menyebabkan, setiap kali ada keperluan utk mewujudkan 'Project' @ Event Channel baru, IT Admin (kami) akan menghasilkan satu project baru spt "HR Blueprint 007", assign owner dia dan semua staff yg berhak utk tambah event2 ke dlm channel ini, dan akhir sekali, assign semua staff yg berhak utk view channel ini. Kita juga blh buat supaya owner blh lakukan assignment staff yg blh tambah event dan staff yg blh view channel. Senang kerja kami.

Utk viewer pula, selain dpd yg default digenerate oleh grails, kami akan hasilkan calendar viewer, viewer yg scroll event terkini satu persatu, viewer static yg papar sejumlah event terkini, dll. Satu perkara yg penting ialah, viewer2 ini mesti blh hadkan pengambilan event2 dpd 1 event project/channel shj, DAN, juga diconfigure utk ambil event dpd sejumlah project. Tapi, perlu jaga access staff kpd project yg dia tak berhak utk access (ini kerja core class, bukan viewer).

Ada sape2 yg melihat kelemahan design ini? Blh kongsi sama2. :)

Open Source Conference 2009

InsyaAllah, saya akan ke open source conference OSCONF2009. Ni first time pergi open source conference. Sebelum ni, pergi conference tajaan MS je... :D

Salah satu sebab pergi ni, selain utk melihat sendiri perkembangan terbaru, juga untuk tinjau2 standard dan format presentation. Mungkin... mungkin tahun depan kami akan present satu paper... mungkin... tak tau nak present tajuk apa je... apa yek yg sesuai...?

Kalau ada kenalan yg terbaca blog saya ni, mungkin kita blh berjumpa di sana.


Terbaca bbrp artikel tentang emas diakhir zaman ini. Antaranya:


USD gradual fall or crash?

Our USD system is just about to collapse. Most people by far have absolutely no idea how imminent that is, which is a serious complication for us who do track this. Whether it is a gradual collapse, or a rapid one, is yet to be determined, but collapse is definitely the term to use. The rest of the world is rapidly following suit into bankrupting themselves fighting this relentless world financial deleveraging. Most people cannot imagine a USD collapse, and even we who research about it find it impossible to predict the many consequences.

But it’s the general lack of knowledge in the general population that concerns me. They are sitting ducks. If you have a single gold coin, you will likely buy a nice house with it, I am totally serious. I made a prediction about 2005 that if you have ten ounces of gold only, you will probably survive the period of transition from the USD (with careful planning). Even two ounces would make all the difference in the world. Of course that prediction does not take care of the confiscation issue, but hell, no one strategy can cover all risks.

In short, the world is right in the middle of total change and revolution in every way. Remember how things used to be 20 or 10 years ago? Well, take all that and put it out of your mind. Most of our usual things we take for granted in our ‘world’ are either gone already or the remnants rapidly going away before our eyes. As I am sure most of you already know, it is next to impossible to convince others of the dangers.

Kesimpulannya, pelbagaikan harta anda. Meletakkan semua harta dlm bentuk wang ringgit, mungkin akan menyebabkan harta kita berkurangan (harap2 tak luput terus!). Dan Emas adalah satu cara utk melindungi harta kita dpd susut nilai.


selamat kembali menulis :) tertunggu tunggu knowledge sharing dari en hamdi..

insyAllah saya pergi conference tu pada hari isnin dan selasa
terima kasih Irwan :)

insyaAllah, kita jumpa di sana :)
Saya booking hari Rabu utk jumpa encik, insyaAllah.. :)
Ok Ikhwan. InsyaAllah kita jumpa hari rabu. Hanya, saya balik awal sikit hari rabu tu. Tengahari, lepas lunch, dah mula drive balik. Kena pastikan kita pergi track yg sama... :)
en.hamdi bleh x terangkan bagaimana dan apa yg perlu utk membuat web services dlm 2 web based application bagi sistem A request data dan simpan data ke dlm sistem B?

-sdg belajar implement SOA/web services dlm student system

sy dah explore yg basic requirements utk buat web services ni tp masih kabur mcm mana nak buat dgn interface sekali. setakat ni sy dah try enable web services gn XML..

utk pengetahuan en.hamidi sy guna netbeans 6.7.1 + mySQL (DB) + JSP
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