
Monday, June 12, 2006


Wicket 1.2 dah release. Bila masa nak RnD ni?

Understanding the User Experience.

Performance Tip: Tuning Memory Allocation utk JRocket JVM dpd BEA.

Using Java 1.5 with Java 1.4 VM. Nape ada orang nak wat ni? Ooohh, krn dia nak guna 3D sw bernama Processing. Macam menarik...

Smarter open source: Eclipse's Callisto experiment - 10 at once!. Go Eclipse!

JBossProfiler: Beyond Finding Memory Leaks. Perbincangan tentangnya kat theserverside.

Converting Between XML and JSON.

That's fine. It is good to have your own preference, just make sure you know the other stuff, up to a certain level. Try some small but significant projects using Struts, just for R&D purposes. And archive these projects for future references.

Some employers find it more attractive if the candidate has Struts compared to Tapestry, etc. So, it good to have both. :)

I learned struts first for a short while, before using webwork. Now, I am interested in trying out wicket. Need to allocate time, unsuccesfull thus far... :(

Fresh grads can apply now even. Just make sure you are ready in terms of knowledge. That's why, for me, doing significant small projects are important, especially for fresh grads.

"I have acquired some knowledge in hibernate, spring, aspectj aop, tapestry/wicket/etc, junit, ant/anthill/etc, cvs/subversion, encryption/compression, email/http/ftp/etc, multithreading, reporting with jasperreport using ireport including images and barcodes, xfire/etc, xmlblaster/activemq/etc, and some others, thru my own R&D. I have the codes and basic documentation to prove it."

Any fresh grad that can tell me this and pass my simple questions, I will take, insyaAllah. For me, this type of fresh grad can match any typical malaysian programming with 1 to 3 years of experiences.

Of course, no need to match all that I listed down. Knowing 1/4 of the above is already good enough for me.

If a fresh grad does not know any of these, but he/she scores and show good potential and hard work, then I can certainly consider.

Wah! Boleh buat reality TV camni. Take a bunch of fresh grads. Give them project after project, each increasingly more dificult and complex, using incresingly more tools/lib, and see who fails to master the necessary requirements. A show just for geeks :D
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