
Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Bulan Ramadhan

Alhamdulillah. Bulan Ramadhan dah hampir. Semoga kita semua sempat menunaikan ibadah puasa yg difardhukan ke atas kita, sebagaimana yg telah difardhukan ke atas umat2 terdahulu.

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kpd semua pembaca blog saya yg muslim. Semoga Allah menerima ibadah kita ini. Amiin.

Web site tutorial

Best gak link yg vuLcruM bagi tentang object modeling. Antara yg menarik ialah:

"If we eliminate enough detail from an abstraction, it becomes generic enough to apply to a wide range of specific situations or instances. Such generic abstractions can often be quite useful."


"As with all abstractions, all of our decisions of inclusion versus elimination when building a software system must be made within the context of the overall purpose and domain, or subject matter focus, of the future system. When representing a person in a software system, for example, is their eye color important? How about their genetic profile? Salary? Hobbies? The answer is, any of these features of a person may be relevant or irrelevant, depending on ... the system to be developed...", sama ada sistem pelajar sekolah ke, sistem hospital/klinik ke, sistem pelawat penjara ke, sistem bank ke, sistem kedatangan ke, dan lain2 lagi.

Di sini, saya kumpulkan web site2 yg saya tahu yg memberikan free tutorial yg agak baik kualitinya:

Beginners.co.uk - web site yg mengandungi link yg vuLcruM bagi. Bagus gak. Ada banyak tutorial utk pelbagai teknologi IT, termasuk Java. Check it out!

W3Schools - web site yg memang agak terkenal dgn tutorial utk internet base technology ini.

ZVON - web site yg tak kurang hebatnya berbanding W3Schools dari segi isinya, walaupun kurang sikit dari segi presentationnya.

Ada lagi? Share la :)

AspectJ in Action

Best! Ada banyak gak benda baru utk saya dlm bab 4. Antaranya:

1. walaupun dah biasa dgn thisJoinPoint, tapi tak pernah tahu pun tentang getStaticPart(), getKind(), getSignature() dan getSourceLocation().

2. aspect precedence menggunakan
declare precedence: TypePattern1, TypePattern2, ...

3. aspect association:
a. per virtual machine (default)
b. per object menggunakan perthis() atau pertarget()
c. per control flow menggunakan percflow() atau percflowbelow()

4. exception softening iaitu melenyapkan Exception dpd perlu di catch.

5. privilaged aspect iaitu membolehkan sesuatu aspect access private field target object nye.

Next, bab 5. Best!


JoyAop satu lagi AOP implementation. Fuh! Makin banyak pulak AOP implementation ni. Sonang sangat ke nak buat AOP implementation ni?? Perbincangan tentangnya di theserverside.

Perbincangan tentang Using Event-Driven Architectures inside a JVM kat theserverside.

O/R Broker ver 1.1 dah release. Satu lagi OR mapper. Perbincangan tentangnya di theserverside.

jzForum ver 1.2 dah release.

iReport ver 0.4.0 dah release. iReport adalah ibarat IDE utk jasper report. Boleh tahan aaa.

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